Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Action Research Proposal Rubric

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Introduction and Research Question (10 points) ____ / 10
Is there a discussion of why this topic is important to you and why it should be to others? Is this discussion clear, effective, thoughtful, and engaging? Is the research question clearly stated and "researchable"?

Understandings (10 points) ____ / 10
Is there a brief discussion of at least 3 sources (books or articles) relevant to your topic/question?
Does this discussion show how these sources are informing your thinking? (i.e. What are you using
from other people’s work? How will your study borrow from, build on, or challenge other’s

Data Collection (15 points) ____ / 15
Methods (5 pts.)
Are the methods of data collection clearly described?
Do you justify why these methods make sense and will help you answer your question?
Participants (5 pts.)
Do you describe the number and who you will observe/interview/survey/etc.?
Do you justify why you have chosen the people and number you did?
Research Instrument (5 pts.)
Are all of the research instruments associated with your methods included (surveys, focus
group protocols, interview questions) as appendices?
Are these research instruments effective and thoughtful?

Data Analysis (5 points) ____ / 5
Are the data analysis strategies clearly identified and described?
Do you justify why you chose these data analysis strategies, given your methods?

Timeline (5 points) ____ / 5
Does your timeline include cycles of data collection, analysis, and reflection that make sense?
Does your timeline identify when you will be collecting data, analyzing data, and writing?
Does your timeline seem reasonable/doable?

Permission Letters (5 points) ____ / 5
Do you include permission letters for all participants (including parent letters for minors)?
Are these appropriate to the audience and clear about the study’s purpose, risks, and benefits?

Preliminary Findings/Reflections (10 points) _____ / 10
Are your reflections on your research findings/process thoughtful and well-written?
Do you articulate emerging questions or next steps?

Total Score: _____ / 60