Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Designing a Research Proposal

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Designing a Research Proposal

A well-defined research proposal is essential for your application to be considered by the Division of Law. It will be circulated to the Faculty members in order to identify a suitable supervisor for you. In making a research plan please pay particular attention to your presentation. The proposal should be between three and five pages or 1000 to 1500 words in length. It should contain the following sections:

1. ARGUMENT: I suggest that you formulate your research plan with a clear statement of the problematic, i.e. what do you propose to research and why. This is another way of saying that at the beginning you must propose an argument or hypothesis and either substantiate it or disprove it in the body of the work.

2. METHODOLOGY: The clearer your formulation is the easier it will be for you to develop your thesis. It will enable you to set the parameters of research and explain how you propose to conduct your research. Thus you will explain the kind of information that will be relevant and where will you find it, i.e. in original sources or court decisions or secondary sources like printed articles, books and reports etc., or will you need to combine various methods of collecting information.

3. TIME LINE: Once you know how you will collect the information you can organise the available time. This is very important as otherwise research is an open-ended activity and can go on for ever. As a researcher you need to be very disciplined about structuring your time. This time line will keep you on track and give your supervisor an idea whether you are in a position to finish your thesis within the given time.
You may wish to consult the book by K. Punch, Developing Effective Research Proposals, London, SAGE, 2000.

Vijaya Nagarajan
Director Post Graduate Research Program
Division of Law
Macquarie University